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Privacy & Cookies

We care about being transparent with you about what information we collect when you choose our events and platform and how we use that information. It’s important to us that we give you as much choice and control over your information as we can.

Here, we explain the ways we collect and use your information when you browse or engage with our Platform, purchase tickets to the festivals and events that we act as ticketing agents for. We also explain the different rights you have over your information.

In this Privacy and Cookies Statement, when we refer to “you” and “your” we mean you, the person using the Platform or attending an Event or otherwise interacting with us.


Please refer to the Event’s Terms and Conditions to check the Event’s age policy. If the Events you are attending or are interested in allow people under the age of 18 to attend (with an accompanying adult) and you yourself are under 18, you must have the permission of your parent or legal guardian (“Your Adult”) to use our Platform and only Your Adult will be able to purchase tickets for the Event.

You should also make sure that Your Adult reads this Privacy and Cookies Statement.

If you are a parent or legal guardian and believe your child has given us information in a way that is contrary to these guidelines, please contact us using our contact details below.

About us

We are Kaboodle Solutions LTD registered in England and Wales No. 09654103. Our registered address is The Express Building, 1 George Leigh Street, Manchester, M4 5DL.

Information we may collect about you


If you register for one of our newsletters or request any advance information about our Events or services we will collect your name and contact details.


If you make a purchase with us (whether for an Event ticket, Event package or any other goods and/or services) we’ll collect any information necessary to provide you with your purchase. For example: we’ll typically ask for your name, age, email address, account password, date of birth, and payment details so we can process your Event ticket purchase, deliver your ticket and/or your cashless payment wristband to you. We may also request Your Adult’s details (if applicable) or other emergency contact information; we’ll collect information about any particular requirements you may have in order to gain access to an Event: this may mean providing us with information about your physical health or similarly sensitive information; if there are circumstances where we need to verify your age for entry to an Event or for fraud prevention and detection, we will ask for proof of identity and age (such as a driver’s licence or passport); and we may (if applicable), collect additional information specifically relevant to the goods and/or services that you are purchasing. For example: if you buy a Park & Ride ticket we might ask for your vehicle registration number to manage vehicles at our Events, or if you choose a glamping experience we might need your credit card details for your damage deposit.

Promotions and Surveys

Every now and again, we might invite you to participate in competitions, promotions or surveys. We’ll collect information so you can participate in these and deliver the prize if you win: this will include details such as your name, age and email address and any other information you provide in connection with your promotion entry and/or survey response.

Information we collect from you indirectly


If you contact us through the live chat functionality on our Platform (if applicable), through one of our online forms, or our social media channels, by phone or email, we may keep a copy or record of that correspondence.

IP address and device information

We will collect certain technical information about your device visits to our Platform and how you use the Platform. This may include your IP address, geographical location, device details such as your IMEI number, the MAC address of the Device's wireless network interface, browser type, referral source, length of visit, operating system, number of page views and similar information. This information may be collected by a third-party analytics service provider on our behalf and/or may be collected using cookies. For more details about cookies please see the specific section below.

Email Response Information

We might collect information about how you react to the emails we send to you, for example, how many times you open the email or if you engage with its content (for instance, by clicking on any links within it).

Social Media and Information you post online and reviews

We might collect information relating to any social media posts or comments you share online about our business that are in the public domain (for instance, if you leave a review about our services on a third-party social media site like Facebook). If you leave a comment or review on one of our social media official pages (such as through our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram accounts), we may use this information to respond to your posts. We are not in control of these third-party platforms and you should refer their privacy notices if you want to know more about how they use the information you share online.

Information we get from third parties

Other ticket agents and service providers

We will collect information about you from third parties that we work closely with so we are able to deliver the goods or services you have requested. For example, we might work with a 3 rd party ticket agent who will sell you a ticket to an event where we will control the onsite box office. In those circumstances, they might give us your details so we can provide you with access to the Events you bought tickets for, or other ancillary services. We might also use third-party companies to manage our payment systems or Platform, they may collect information directly from you on our behalf.

Signing in through Social Media

When you register for an Event on our Platform, we might offer a quick registration option through your existing social media accounts. If you sign in through your social media account, we may get certain information (such as your profile name if register through your Facebook account) in accordance with your privacy settings on that social media site. You should read the privacy statements and check your privacy settings of those social media sites to learn how they treat your information.

Other third-party sites

We might receive information about you from other third parties where you have agreed to them sharing your information with us for specific purposes (such as marketing).

How we use information that we collect about you

We may use your information for the following purposes:

Service and Operational Purposes

  • to provide you with your Event ticket or any other goods, services and information that you have requested from us;
  • to manage your entry to the events act as an agent for, including age and identification verification;
  • to provide you customer service and support, deal with enquiries or update you of changes to our Events, our Platform or other services;
  • to improve and update our Platform and to make sure that content from our Platform is presented to you in the most effective and optimal manner (please view the specific Cookies section for more information);
  • to carry out aggregated and anonymised research about general engagement with our Platform and other goods and services.

Marketing Purposes

We may use your information for marketing purposes, either by email, SMS and/or phone. We will of course give you the opportunity to choose whether we contact you for marketing purposes and we will respect your choices at every stage.

Legal Purposes

We may use your information to enable us to enforce our legal rights, and/or to protect the rights, property or safety of our employees and/or other third parties.

Who we might share your information with

Unless we have your expressed consent we will only disclose personal data to third parties if this is required for the purpose of completing your transaction with us. This is of course subject to the provision that we may disclose your data to certain permitted third parties, such as affiliated companies or our own professional advisers who are bound by confidentiality codes, and when we are legally obliged to disclose your data.

Great to meet you. Please enter your details below and one of the team will be in touch.

* Please enter a first name
* Please enter a surname
* Please enter a valid phone number
* Please complete the challenge


Thanks for passing on your details. We look forward to chatting to you soon.